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Raising Perceived Value Through Curb Appeal

The curb appeal of a home is the outward representation of what lies within. If you want to captivate buyers and get the most out of your sale, elevate the landscaping, front entrance and the overall exterior condition of your home.

Defined as the “visual attractiveness of a home as viewed from the street”, the curb appeal of a home can be the difference between a prospective buyer who decides to keep on driving or one who will come to a screeching halt wanting a look inside. Following these tips, you will give buyers a reason to seriously consider your home over others.

  1. Clean up and update the landscaping. Clean up the grounds of the property by removing any and all weeds and plants that are dead or dying. Trim back overgrowth on the property to restore structure to its composition and natural design. This includes getting your trees trimmed to remove any dead leaves, shaping and raising its canopy. Liven up the arrangement by adding color that contrast well with each other, as well as with the scheme of the home itself.

  1. Clean up the front entrance and exterior condition of your home. Using a power washer and/or soapy water, clean the exterior to remove all dirt and grime. Include the washing of all windows, garage door, driveway and walkways. If the garage door gives you a hard time, “a solution of 1/2 cup trisodium phosphate — TSP, available at grocery stores, hardware stores, and home improvement centers — dissolved in 1 gallon of water” will help you scrub your garage door to a like-new condition, thanks to a helpful tip from

  1. Update the face of the home. In some cases, a full paint job is needed on a home, however that is often times more than what is necessary. Once the exterior of the home is washed, it will instantly be more presentable, and you will be able to see what little actions can be done that will make a big impact. Cost effective solutions which would elevate the property would be apply touch up paint where needed, repair any damaged or missing screens, replace any burnt out light bulbs, replace house numbers or fixtures or mailbox if too weathered to freshen up the overall appearance of the home.

Once you have updated the curb appeal of your home, be sure to keep it well maintained throughout the entire selling process. Appearance and appeal are among the most critical selling points in real estate; as that is what makes that emotional connection. Make them your asset and a buyer will meet your sale expectations.

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